It took me some time to wrap my mind around go’s inheritance. Here is how it works:
This results:
$8g inherit.go && 8l inherit.8
$ ./8.out
Just add the parent struct as anonymous property to allow the child to inherit parent’s methods.
This is part of my efford to create simple MUD server in go: gomud.
Posted 01 Mar 2012
† AquilaX§
To disable the KDE File dialog in Chrome Unstable, set NO_CHROME_KDE_FILE_DIALOG=1
as environment variable. Here is the code reference.
Posted 02 Feb 2012
† AquilaX§
I love CodeIgniter and I love how easy it is to generate static version of your website. You just have to overwrite the _write_cache function in the Output.php class and turn the caching on. Here’s my version:
Posted 04 Nov 2011
† AquilaX§
/dev/null PHP
Writing bok with markdown is pure joy. I started a short practical SQL tutorial yesterday and it started do get traction today. I used shell script at first to generate the static HTML page for the book but make looked like a better idea. Here is the Makefile I use:
BUILDDIR = ./build
.PHONY: clean spell
all: html epub
html: *.markdown style.css Makefile
pandoc -s --css=style.css --toc -o $(BUILDDIR)/index.html *.markdown
cp style.css $(BUILDDIR)
epub: *.markdown style.css Makefile
pandoc -t epub --epub-metadata=metadata.xml -s --epub-stylesheet=style.css --toc -o $(BUILDDIR)/book.epub *.markdown
rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/*.html
rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/*.css
rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/*.epub
rm -f *.bak
for i in *.markdown; do aspell --lang=bg_BG check $$i; done
Important note: make requires TAB for indentation.
Posted 08 Aug 2011
† AquilaX§
Hranoprovod is my ledger inspired calorie/weight tracker written in go. The first prototype version was implemented in PHP, and it also worked well, but I decided to take a look at golang.
Posted 07 Aug 2011
† AquilaX§
go golang
Let’s start with the product management. I’ll try to keep it simple for the time being. My weapon of choice, when designing the database schema is the almost great WWW SQL Designer.
Right now the schema looks like this:

And the XML file is located here.
Posted 01 Jul 2011
† AquilaX§
PostgreSQL Malko-ERP
Just started a new project in github today called “malko-erp”. The “malko” part stands for “tiny” in Bulgarian. The idea is to lay the grounds for basic ERP system with e-commerce frontend.
Stay tuned for the updates…
Posted 01 Jul 2011
† AquilaX§
I started to learn Kohana 3 by writing a tutorial for it. Take a look at it here if you are interested.
Posted 16 Oct 2010
† AquilaX§
Top site counter is small and simple appengine hosted counter.
[caption id=”attachment_119” align=”alignnone” width=”300” caption=”Top Site Counter”]
The source code can be found here.
Demo is available here.
Posted 25 Apr 2010
† AquilaX§
I created a test page full of badges and counters and that’s what came out as waterfall diagram:
The whole report is here.
Posted 09 Apr 2010
† AquilaX§